Delectable You


This. Changes. Everything. The 3 new Game Changing Habits I learned from going on a 28 day Raw Fruits and Veggies Cleanse

This. Changes. Everything. The 3 new Game Changing Habits I learned from going on a 28 day Raw Fruits and Veggies Cleanse

If you read my last post, then you know I’m on a search for more quiet in my life. Inner quiet. Peace. An escape from a mind that feels like it’s in an intense, never ending game of ping pong. It’s a doubles game. With lots of noisy spectators. And I’m the ball. What I […]

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Be Quiet.

Be Quiet.

In the mad rush of motherhood, of the many things to fall by the wayside is something I never saw coming: Quiet. Yes, yes, yes. I know. Baby’s cry. Toddler’s tantrum. How could I not expect my peace and quiet to be sacrificed? And especially now that my baby has become a very opinionated and […]

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Exploring the double edged sword of social media (and what I did when my friend asked me, “Why do people post on social media? Is it for validation?”)

Exploring the double edged sword of social media (and what I did when my friend asked me, “Why do people post on social media? Is it for validation?”)

Last month, I ran into someone I hadn’t seen in awhile, and I remarked that, “Wow! Your business seems to be blowing up right now! Good for you!” To which she replied, “Does it? Or is that just what I’m having you believe on social media?” My friend was right: I hadn’t seen her in […]

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The Death of a Goal Setter: Why I’m Rethinking my Definition of Success

The Death of a Goal Setter: Why I’m Rethinking my Definition of Success

I am a goal setter by nature. Get straight A’s – check. Move to California – check. Meet and marry the man of my dreams – check. Have a family – check (well, actually, in progress. But certainly off to a beautiful start!) By all intents and purposes, if you look at my life on […]

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“Dude, I did the dishes for you!” A Candid Conversation About (and Invitation to Discuss) Modern Day Gender Roles & Their Ever Present Impact on our Relationships

“Dude, I did the dishes for you!” A Candid Conversation About (and Invitation to Discuss) Modern Day Gender Roles & Their Ever Present Impact on our Relationships

As you may recall, I was supposed to upload a post a few weeks ago, as I do every other Wednesday. And I actually did. But then, when I went bed the night before it was scheduled to go out, I couldn’t shake this feeling that I shouldn’t post it. Not because the conversation or […]

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I Got Yelled At By Two Strangers Last Week. What I did to deserve it, What I Said in Response, and what it taught me about the power of my thoughts

I Got Yelled At By Two Strangers Last Week. What I did to deserve it, What I Said in Response, and what it taught me about the power of my thoughts

I have a problem. A curse, really. I’m your stereotypical Canadian. I’m very friendly – overly friendly at times. I apologize a lot for things I don’t need to apologize for, just to keep the peace. In fact, I once apologized to a woman who ran into me and stepped on my foot while I […]

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My new book, The Accidental Paleo is out now. Order here!