Welcome to the World, Madison Grace McDonald!

Welcome to the World, Madison Grace McDonald!

Hello all!

My apologies for being out of touch this last month and a half. As you may have (correctly) guessed, I had a baby! Madison Grace McDonald was born at 10:39pm on Friday February 19th after 80 hours of labor – and many many contractions (though surprisingly not a lot of swearing)! She was due February 8th but she decided to wait until the first day of Pisces to make her entrance into this world. Is it any surprise that February 19th also happens to be the Day of the Explorer? With a father who runs an Adventure Yoga Retreats company and a mother who has gallivanted around the world since she was a young-in, I think not.


I’ve spent the past 5 ½ weeks recovering from the delivery (and the labor) while simultaneously riding a steep learning curve trying to adjust to life as a mom. It has been everything from magical to terrifying to heart wrenching to miraculous. Learning how to create space in my life for a new being who is entirely dependent on me has been nothing short of the absolute hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Ever. Hands down. Bar none. Without a doubt.

You get the picture.

But it has also – as every parent tells you – been one of the most rewarding and humbling experiences I have ever had. I fall more and more in love with Madison every day (incidentally, I’ve also become a cry baby. I’m tearing up just writing this sentence right now. But come on – isn’t she just delectable??).


That said, along this learning curve I have had to give up any semblance of what my days used to consist of, and that includes having any time – or brainpower – to write. I was working on a post about surrender the morning I went into labor, and I intend to finish that and post it in the next month, along with some other nuggets about what parenting a newborn has taught me (and can teach you too) about life. I’m sure you’re waiting with baited breath.

Once Madison gets on a more predictable nap schedule – and I am no longer feeling like I need to nap when she does (or like I’ve been run over by a mack truck) – I promise to get back into the swing of posting every other Wednesday!

Until then, I’m choosing to surrender into my new and the greatest role and adventure of my life. I miss writing, but Madison is oh so worth the break (:


(photo credit: Vibrant Picture Photography)

Sending love to all of you, and wishing you the most glorious day/week/month. Looking forward to being in touch again very soon.

With so much love in my heart,

Lauren (and Madison too)
