Delectable You


Dear yoga: A cheat sheet for getting present, letting go & shaking up your habits

Dear yoga: A cheat sheet for getting present, letting go & shaking up your habits

“How do you feel, dude?” my husband, Ted, asked curiously as he passed by me in his yoga class, trying my hardest to do a warrior one pose. “Like I never left,” I replied without skipping a beat. And I meant it. The last time I stepped onto a mat in that studio was February […]

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Facebook Truth: The Great Social Media Hoax (and my dirty little secret)

Facebook Truth: The Great Social Media Hoax (and my dirty little secret)

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Yes! … Of course! … Well, sort of… … Mostly… … A little bit…. … Does a half truth count? Because if so, then YES! Wholeheartedly. That’s the thing about the photos we post on social media. They are the […]

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A Case for Uniting the United States of America

A Case for Uniting the United States of America

I’ve had a really hard time writing posts these last few months. It feels like every time I sit down to write something, nothing seems to come out. And when something does comes out, I feel like it completely ignores the scope of the political landscape we are experiencing right now. I’ve written three posts […]

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This is One: An Unedited Account of What Becoming A Mother Taught me About Life

This is One: An Unedited Account of What Becoming A Mother Taught me About Life

Photo credit: Eva Marie Pursley This past Sunday, February 19th, I celebrated a very important birthday. No, it’s not the day I was born (that was June 5th about a million years ago, so mark your calendars. I like peonies. And pretty things.). It’s not the day I gave up chocolate (ha, ya right, like […]

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3 ways to master your to-do list (even when you’re feeling crippled by it)

3 ways to master your to-do list (even when you’re feeling crippled by it)

Some days I feel like there is so much to do and not enough time in which to do it. But I’m excited about the list of things in front of me, and I can’t wait to get started. Other days, I feel completely unmotivated to the point that I begin to question the validity […]

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Feeling down? This is how you change your attitude in 5 minutes or less

Feeling down? This is how you change your attitude in 5 minutes or less

Have you ever been to Montreal in the winter? Well, it’s bitingly cold. It’s not usually very sunny. And because it lasts so long, if you’re not careful, it can get very, very depressing. It was a (typical) stupidly freezing cold day in Montreal on some weekday in February in 2006. I was walking to […]

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My new book, The Accidental Paleo is out now. Order here!